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Robeson County, NC
2022 Comprehensive Plan

Project Title

Robeson County, NC Comprehensive Plan


Year Completed


Funding Agency

Local Funds

Public Participation

Public meetings, citizen survey, open house meetings, project website, public hearing

Project Description

Insight Planning & Development was contracted to prepare the Robeson County Comprehensive Plan. The plan is the first comprehensive plan to be adopted by Robeson County and was prepared to comply with NCGS 160D requirements to establish a foundation for applying zoning regulations in the County. The plan sets forth goals, policies, and programs to guide the present and future physical, social, and economic development of the jurisdiction. Emphasis was placed on preservation of the County’s natural assets, protection of farmland, and encouraging compatible and efficient development patterns. The plan’s implementing strategies address a range of issues including Land Use & Form, Natural Environment, Economic Growth, Infrastructure & Services, Transportation, and Housing.

Click here to view a copy of the full plan. 

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