Town of Wrightsville Beach, NC
CAMA Land Use Plan
Project Title
Town of Wrightsville Beach, NC CAMA Land Use Plan
Year Completed
2018 (certified by NC Coastal Resources Commission 2019)
Funding Agency
Local Funds
Public Participation
Public meetings, project website, survey (both online and paper), public hearing
Project Description
The Town of Wrightsville Beach is comprised of two migrating barrier islands, with a small portion of the town’s corporate limits situated on the mainland, immediately adjacent to Wilmington, NC. In compliance with the most recent update of Subchapter 7B – State Guidelines for Land Use Planning of the NC Administrative Code, the Town undertook an extensive planning process in 2018 to update its CAMA Land Use Plan, previously prepared in 2005. Community engagement efforts included establishment of a Land Use Plan Steering Committee with key community representatives, business owners, and citizens; a public input survey, distributed to all residents and property owners registered on the Town’s outreach network; dedicated project website; and Town-wide meetings.
The Town’s CAMA Land Use Plan update included an analysis for future land use, taking into consideration land use sectors that are unique to coastal areas, environmentally sensitive areas, current land use patterns, physical and man-made limitations, future land use goals and implementing strategies, and input received from the Steering Committee, public, and Town staff during development of the plan. The plan will serve as a decision-making guide for future land development regulations.