Wilson County, NC
FY2013 CDBG-Infrastructure
Project Title
Wilson County, NC CDBG Infrastructure Program,
Water System Extensions to Provide Potable Water Service to the Town of Sims, NC
Funding Year
Funding/Construction Amount
Funding Agency
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Infrastructure
Project Description
The Wilson County FY13 CDBG Infrastructure Program, Water System Extensions to Provide Potable Water Service to the Town of Sims, NC, consisted of the installation of an 8-inch water main extension to supplement the Town’s only remaining usable water supply.
This much needed project provided a secondary water supply to the Town of Sims, one of whose two existing groundwater wells for the Town had exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level for combined radium and had been removed from operation.
Insight staff helped administer the program, including all compliance issues including required plans and policies, as well as file management, conducting the environmental review process to obtain release of funds, labor standards documentation - including on-site wage interviews and payroll review - and coordination with the engineering consultant throughout the procurement, bidding, and contract award process.